Thursday, June 9, 2016

Magic, Titles, Merits and Ethics

Last month, someone found their way to this blog via an intriguing Google search.

In your opinion, what makes theatre magic, and how can the role you are applying for make a difference?

Thank you for asking.

What makes theatre magic?

It’s completely unrealistic and perfectly real at the same time.

Theatre is so fake. Sitting in a dark room, pretending a cardboard wall is a castle and the actor who played a beggar two scenes ago is now a princess... But at the same time, it's the most tangible, real form of storytelling there is. Real live people act out a story for other real live people, right in front of each other, with no edits or retakes. And with feelings so real you forget what you're seeing is not real at all.

How can the role you are applying for make a difference?

There are no small roles, if you put your heart into what you are doing. Try to make your character human, to give the audience something they can relate to.

In my experience, it can be the smallest of details in the most unexpected of performances that makes you smile, makes you think, makes you feel. And if you manage to touch even one person in the audience, or make one of them laugh, you have already made a difference.

I think, however, that if you really want the role, you should write your application essay all by yourself.

New Blog Title

So! Maybe you've noticed it already that my blog has just gotten a new title. From now on, Some Superfluous Opinions will be known as Theatrically Speaking.

Some Superfluous Opinions is a terrible name for a theatre blog, really. I chose it before I decided I would blog exclusively about theatre. The blog's subject quickly shifted... and now, almost six years later, it's at long long last time to change the title, too. I believe Theatrically Speaking is easier to remember and reflects the content of this blog way better than the old title.

From now on, the address of this blog is Old links starting with also redirect to this blog.

Top 10 Blog

In other news, I received some news last week that made me very happy. Cision published a list of Top 10 Finnish Culture Related Blogs. And guess what? I'm both number 7 and number 9!

This blog, Theatrically Speaking (on the list, still known as Some Superfluous Opinions) is number 7. That's all thanks to you, dear followers – thank you for reading, commenting and sharing. You have my gratitude.

What's more, my Tumblr-based side project Fuck Yeah, Finnish Musical Theatre! is number 9.

That is also very exciting to hear. I founded the Tumblr blog in April 2012 and it has been updated daily ever since. You can browse 2,700+ musical-related photos, videos, fanworks, links and pieces of news, all tagged with the featured musicals, actors and theatres for easy searching.

I put a lot of work into my theatre blogs – so I'm really proud both of them made the list. Thanks!

Blogging Ethics

One thing more. I thought this would be a perfect chance to pay some attention to the ethical transparency of my blogging.

As I have mentioned previously, I work in Turun kaupunginteatteri's (Turku City Theatre) marketing and PR department – and my contract has just been renewed.

So I'd like to make the following decision clear: as long as my employment in the theatre lasts, I will refrain from writing about Turun kaupunginteatteri's and other Turku-based professional, Finnish-speaking theatres' current and upcoming productions in this blog. I think that's fair, both towards the theatres and the people who read my blog.

Read the full disclaimer in English and in Finnish here.

With that, onwards toward new blogging adventures!

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